‘ASIANS STRIKE BACK: A CORONAVIRUS COMEDY & SCIENCE SHOW’ at Caveat (March 1, 4 p.m.). Kyle Marian and Esther Chen host this comedy showcase that doubles as a scientific tutorial to ease anxieties New Yorkers may feel about the Covid-19 outbreak. Performances by the stand-ups Usama Siddiquee, Bryan Yang and others will lighten the mood between more serious discussions by experts about coronavirus. Both approaches will apply to a face mask fashion show finale.
212-228-2100, caveat.nyc
Denver Center showing comedic cultural drama ‘Smart People’
The other female character is an Asian-American research psychologist played by Esther Chen. Dr. Ginny Yang is another ball of pent-up frustration as she navigates the ninnies and nonsense all around her. Yang is the most enigmatic of the four, a minority with a strong belief that she's got to be better than everyone else just to stay even, and fully equipped with a full suit of emotional armor. Chen plays her with great skill, moving her from perhaps the least sympathetic character to the one you might most want to offer a hug.
Many People From Many Countries Doing Many Things
What's your country's most popular tongue twister? In our new series, "Many People From Many Countries Doing Many Things," we're testing ours out on people from around the world. 😛